RVNN.TV Podcast

RVNN.TV Podcast

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GeoWoodStock IX Trailer
July 06, 2011

GW9 Trailer First Video of GeoWoodstock IX Courtney mentions her weekend adventures, hail damage and dockside scrapes and Andy McCaskey shows some of the GeoCaching treasure that’s been added to the RVNN.TV showcase since July 2nd. The first video from

From the Road
July 04, 2011

On the Road to GeoWoodStock IX, Andy and Dave report on the trip, and Courtney is the News Anchor at RVNN.TV.  

Expanding Coverage ?
July 04, 2011

Goat Naming News RVNN-Live breaks new ground in coverage, direct from Sommerville, TX - as we review the RV Business news with Texas RV Professor Terry Cooper - and find out that there is a yet-to-be-named resident that the Cooper's have identified. Mayb

Compressed Week
July 01, 2011

RV Capital Talk, GeoWoodstock A very busy day at RVNN-TV, but this segment of RVNN-Live captures some of the preparation for GeoWoodstock, while the normal production of RV Capital Talk proceeds on schedule. Our guests on the show were from KOA, with some

Ultimate Family RVing
June 28, 2011

Extreme Family RVing and the Ultimate RVer Today’s RVNN-Live is packed with news, good info on the progress of the J-Tribe, the plans for the ultimate GeoWoodstock IX trip and a quick look at the Ultimate RVer. The week moves right along, as Dave Dufou

Product Testing and GeoWoodstock
June 27, 2011

RVNN-019-01 Product Testing and GeoWoodstock Plus RV Business News Headlines Our Gadgetplex recording was going so well that we decided to continue on with Phil May and a special guest from Georgia, who had just finished recording an episode where a telep

Right Pet on the Road
June 25, 2011

RV News - Dogs and Apps Dave Dufour carries the news reporting load today - and we learn about Courtney's grumpy boyfriend dad problem and how it relates to the world of RV's . Dr Jill Windy, of  RVNN-TV's Tails from the Road goes into details on some of

New Gadgets ? Bad Idea
June 25, 2011

The Verdict on 2011 Auto Models   Courtney Wallin introduces the topic of the day - why a new model year and platform change might be a bad idea, according to JD Power and Associates. That's the lead item, read by Andy McCaskey, from the new RV News seg

CA State Parks and other RV News
June 23, 2011

Economizing that Affects RVers Dave Dufour provides a quick news summary, in partnership with RVBusiness.com, covering news of the proposed closure of 70 California State Parks, drops in Canadian RV sales, and other industry trends. This is a new segment

iPhone Apps for RVers and the Dirtbag Geocaching Society
June 22, 2011

Courtney and Andy review some upcoming events and programming notes and talk about Monday's Geocaching World taping which included a visit from a special geocaching club from North Carolina.  Phil May's Gadgetplex taping sparked some Mac vs PC conversati