The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Dungeons and Dragons – Curse of Innistrahd Episode 5: Inquisitive Friends

June 02, 2017

The sound of howling was something the folks of the outland valleys had grown accustomed to as the misty nights scraped the mountain sides. High Inquisitor Seeta Venlis, frowning in a solemn silence, knew this was where she would start. Pallas was an active town, still alive and busy, if aching and scared as it’s workers and shops endured working day to day in the lands forgotten by the church. And this is why it came to her. Someone who would take action. The ridges and cliffs, fingers of stone wrapping around the heartlands like the grip of the fiends who held it… They would be free. One step at a time. And so they must feel safe. She thought about this, heavy black garb bound with silver glistening in the candlelight of her patron’s chambers. She was not a woman to leave well enough alone. Her hands tensed for the handle of a blade or the tightness of a quill, something for a solution. But the nervous tension wouldn’t break. A snort of inconclusive concern broke her silence and she surged to her feet, stomping through her aimless fervor. And then she saw it. A flash in the darkness, a marble of green light over the city walls. And as the howling followed the fleeing beast, she smiled. The first thing they needed was an enemy. Side Chatter MUSIC CREDITS: Dark Walk Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License PLAYERS James – Conrad Starkherz – Paladin: An inquisitor of the Avacynian church, dedicated to the destruction of evil by all available means. His fighting skills are weathered by his age, but he has come to rely on his holy powers to protect him from both his foes and the memories of his past. Susan – Elyria – Druid: A young lady who made her home in the terrifying forest of the Ulvenwald. She is a thin girl of medium height with wild ginger curls all over her head. The first things noticed are always her red hair and her large green eyes. She was a young girl from Kessig who found she had fantastical abilities fled to live in nature when some disastrous things happened. She has fantastical powers that can change nature, but these powers cannot change her past. Axe – Niccolo Argenti – Rogue: A former Midnight Duelist, sworn to protect the streets […]