The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

deadEarth Character Generation

November 21, 2016

Back in mid-October when the Cubs and Indians were head-to-head in the World Series, Matt made a bet with Greg Bennett of Technical Difficulties:  If the Indians won, Matt would run a game of deadEarth, and if the Cubs won, then Greg would run deadEarth.  In reading through the books fully expecting the Cubs to lose, Matt also shared the books with the rest of the Drunk and Ugly and they wanted to make characters for the game even if they weren’t used.  So we did it.  This is that. PLAYERS Kevin – Archibald Kensington Fist Susan – Meredyth Wyrmwood Max – Honey Belvedere Charlie – Boy Axe – Graft Josh – Beanpole Jane James – CROMP Matt already made 3 characters, so he can’t make anymore.