The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Fear Itself – The Kessler Syndrome

October 17, 2016

It’s an average day on the International Space Station.  Daily experiments have concluded and the crew is busy working on cleaning the station, carrying out their mandatory 2 hours of exercise, or watching the Earth pass beneath them.  A call from Mission Control is about to give them more work than they could have ever expected. Side Chatter PLAYERS Ross – Naoto Edogawa.  Station commander.  Former member of the JSDF, big into monster movies Aaron – Eduard Antonovich Salko. Strives to be the proud Russian hero like Yuri Gagarin. Kevin – Kazimir Aleksovich Purona.  Former Russian Air Force, son of a decorated Soviet war hero. Axe – Leah Sullivan.  USAF Medical Researcher.