Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Business reports are so boring. Unless you enjoy success.

January 21, 2021

Business reports. Sounds so boring. Doesn’t it? But they’re not. They’re exciting. You know they are. And you know, down deep, you want reports. And you should.
Because business reports work like a charm.

Years ago I was hired by a large insurance corporation. And after working with me a little while, they actually changed my position (and title) to “Performance Advocate.” I kinda liked that.
One of the main things I did was to take all the reports they put out and streamline them into more meaningful reports. And that was to advocate for employee’s performance. So, that’s exactly what I did.
It was so great seeing the managers able to really utilize the information. It was there all along. But it just needed to be put together to increase productivity, sales, and decrease expenses…and wasted TIME.
So…you know what?
You and your business are like that. And you can greatly benefit from being able to run reports and measure a lot of things. Because it helps you get to where you want you and your business to be. Much faster. Productivity, expenses, pricing…there’s no end to the benefits.
Do you have a solution to do that? RondaReady does.
It’s such a great time management tool to be able to run your business through reports.
And speaking about time management…I’m launching RondaReady UNversity the first Thursday in February. And classes will be the first Thursday of every month.
But the deadline to enroll in my monthly sessions…and be in time for the first one in February…is January 31st. After that, you’ll be too late for February’s session. You could still enroll, but you’d have to wait for the next class in March.
For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.
It all started with an idea to help entrepreneurs and business owners, like you, plug into a proven system and RUN with it.
Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,