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Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Lewis and Clark Expedition and your roadmap to success

October 08, 2020

Do you remember the Lewis and Clark Expedition? I don’t mean actually remember it. Because it was from 1803 to 1806. And I doubt if any of my readers or listeners were there (tee hee). But their story is so interesting. And it’s the perfect example of what I’m always talking about with my clients.

President Thomas Jefferson commissioned Lewis and Clark not long after the Louisiana Purchase.
He wanted them to explore and map out all that newly acquired land. Because he wanted them to find a good route across that Western half of our growing country. AND…the president wanted to be sure America’s presence was set up there before England or other European countries tried to claim it.
So, Captain Meriwether Lewis and his close friend Second Lieutenant William Clark, led the expedition into the unexplored territory. And the story of what they went through to map it all out is nothing short of amazing.
They had to endure harsh winters. And they dealt with a variety of Indian tribes and nations. Sometimes they were peaceful. But sometimes they weren’t. And the men in the expedition had to move boats from certain sections of rivers, across land, to other sections. Can you imagine having to transport big, heavy boats across land?
Drawing maps and other sketches in their journals, the Lewis and Clark expedition recorded plant and animal life, geography, and their interaction with the Indians. And after a little over 3 years of treacherous travels, they reported back to President Jefferson.
And I’m only sharing this story with you because I want you to think about how easy it is to travel all across America now. But you know why? Because some men endured 3 years of struggle. And they did all the hard work of traveling through land without roads. Plus, they did an excellent job of mapping it out so others could travel there without all the headaches.
My RondaReady system can be your Lewis and Clark.

Because I’ve already mapped out everything. And all you have to do is follow the roadmap to your own success. Whatever that looks like for you and your business. There’ll still be plenty of work for you to do. After all, even a cross country trip on interstate highways requires you to stay awake at the wheel. Right?
So, when you’re really ready to explore a better route to success for your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,