Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

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More time in your time. Is that a thing?
August 15, 2022

OK, who couldnt use more time? Show of hands. Yeah, I thought so. Everybody could use more time. But you only have the same 24 hours every day. Nothing more. And nothing less. So, whats Read the r

Client experience workflow – either you got it or you don’t
March 25, 2021

How about you and I talk, a little bit, about building a client experience workflow? Sounds like fun, right? And lets talk about the thoughts we think. And the impressions they leave. I know Read

Confidence is a might powerful tool. And so is this.
February 25, 2021

Theres nothing like having confidence when it comes to running your business. And you might be doing something to shoot yourself in the foot when it comes to this. Like a client of mine when Read t

Linear lines and workflows to be sure your work flows
February 04, 2021

So, I was with a client the other day, Penny, from Best Techs Contracting. Theyre specialists, in California, at building passive homes, and homes for the chemically sensitive. Also high end remodels

Business templates. Some of your best time-saving friends.
January 28, 2021

OK, lets say youre bored. And youre looking for something fun to do. Well, how about business templates? Not exactly your idea of a day at the beach. Yeah, mine either. But these little tools Rea

Business reports are so boring. Unless you enjoy success.
January 21, 2021

Business reports. Sounds so boring. Doesnt it? But theyre not. Theyre exciting. You know they are. And you know, down deep, you want reports. And you should. Because business reports work like a ch

Brushing your teeth can actually be good for your business
January 14, 2021

Sowhat do brushing your teeth and your business have in common? And its not a trick question. Really. Its not. Do you know? Is that because they have nothing in common? Well, I hope they Read the

Referrals for business? Who’s got time for any of that?
January 07, 2021

Today were gonna talk about (and by we I mean you and me) referrals for business and schedule control. What?! How does that work? Well, heres me talking about it Quick story about referrals R

Mood swings and how they can reduce your kachings
December 24, 2020

Ah yes. The old mood swings. This weather (here in Colorado today) could sure cause some. Its freezing. Down to 65 degrees. Just kidding. Its actually 35 degrees. But I get cold at 65. Not Read th

You’re full of it – And when I say you, I mean…well…you
November 12, 2020

You knowyou and I are close enough now, I think I can just come out and say this. Youre full of it. Gasp. What?! What are you talking about? Yeah, you are. Youre full Read the rest...