RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

Ep. 41: The Ninja Turtles Don't Like Pizza?

April 07, 2014

And so it was foretold that three friends would reach the top of the mountain and begin their fast descent downward, falling over the dreams of directors, selfie takers, murderers and craigslist hopefuls. No it's not the newest Peter Jackson film, it's the all new RIJcast!!!

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As we have told our audience before, we have big plans for 2014 with some special on location episodes and other special content! We want to make sure that these are as great in reality as they are in our heads. To do that though, we need your help! By donating to RIJcast, you are giving us an opportunity to complete our vision and continue entertaining you week after week! We don't just want you guys to give money and not get anything in return, we are giving out our RIJcast Nineties Bonus Pod out with every donation! So go ahead, help us out, and I'll send you your copy today!

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