RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

Ep. 38.5: 2014 March Madness - X-men Part 2

March 21, 2014

And we are back with the epic conclusion to the two part RIJcast March Madness! We have widdled the top 32 X-men down to 16 and now the time has come to see who will reign supreme. Feelings will be hurt, friendships will be tested and only one will be crowned the winner! We find the best X-man and answer a colossal question!

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Have a better idea of who should have won? Rashaan would probably agree with you! Go fill out your own sweet sixteen bracket and send it our way! We will shout you out on the show and publicize your bracket here for all to see!

Fill out your own Xmen Bracket
As we have told our audience before, we have big plans for 2014 with some special on location episodes and other special content! We want to make sure that these are as great in reality as they are in our heads. To do that though, we need your help! By donating to RIJcast, you are giving us an opportunity to complete our vision and continue entertaining you week after week! We don't just want you guys to give money and not get anything in return, we are giving out our RIJcast Nineties Bonus Pod out with every donation! So go ahead, help us out, and I'll send you your copy today!

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