RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

Ep. 30: The Tea Party, Tall Whites, Tweakers and Tyrese

January 20, 2014

A chock full episode this week! Jake is frustrated with the public face of the tea party, as angry conservatives come out swinging over something that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! The guys then divert to outer space as we take on the idea that the government is being run by the "Tall Whites", a sophisticated alien race that has been allegedly running the states since the 40's. And we are still not done until at least one druggy loses his mind... and his member. Lastly we finally talk about this season of The Walking Dead so far. Action packed and ready to amuse, it's Episode 30!!!!! 

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