RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

RIJcast - Everything You (Didn't Know You) Care About - Talking Head Podcasts

Ep. 16: Craigslist Joe's

October 14, 2013

Jake tries to sell an Xbox and has the strangest Craigslist interaction of all time. The gang cruises the missed connections section and finds some diamonds in the ultra racist rough. Its the funniest episode yet and everything that you most definitely (didn't know you) care about!

Craigslist Posts and E-mail links:RIJcast has called it's audience to action. Hit up these fine gentleman and tell them what you think of their Craigslist desperation! Make sure you send us a transcript of the emails! talkingheadpodcasts@gmail.com


youre married now - m4w - 20 (bedford)

I was told you used to
look on here for something i dont remember so maybe you still do and will see
this.you got married last year in december.ever since the first day i saw you i
wanted to be with you but i just didnt talk back then.the first day i saw was
on my first day of work together at bedford mcdonalds. You know if anything was
to happen between you and him i will be there for no matter what even if i have
to rise outta my grave cuz if i do i will be watching. Thats how much i wanna
be with you i just cant express it in person.you have blonde hair or brown
watever u wanna call it and have a small petite body even with those two
miscarriages you still look great. If you know who i am then txt me and we
should talk.oh yea my name dosnt start with a t so and u told me if u wasnt
with him ud be with me maybe because u know id show more affection and
attention to you.so just txt me if u know who i a or email me so he dosnt see
the txt msgs.

Email this guy here: btrgt-4118856061@pers.craigslist.org

whitelady on moped madison heights - m4w - 25 (434)

I see you rideing your
moped all the time your so gorgeous id love to have some discrete fun with you
nsa or maybe more if your interested reply back with your name in the subject

this guy here: fvsqq-4049882963@pers.craigslist.org

Michelobe ultra - m4w - 25

Hey there I saw you
last night around 9:15 at marathon buying michelobe wanted so bad to talk to
you but your friend was waiting for you in the car. You were looking very nice
with your blonde curls and tan skin with a sexy black dress if this is you
reply back soon

this guy here: bwmb6-4098213052@pers.craigslist.org

two posts from rants and raves, that were racist pieces of filth have since
been removed, I guess we waited to long to get the show notes together. Rest
assured, they will post again! Just keep your eyes peeled to the local Rants and
Raves section of Craigslist: http://lynchburg.craigslist.org/rnr/Thanks for
tuning in to what we think is the funniest episode of RIJcast yet! Want to
support all the free funny? You can email us about donations here: talkingheadpodcasts@gmail.com
or make a FREE donation by signing up for a free trial of Audible! 30 days and
a free audiobook for you and we get helped just by you signing up for the free
trial! www.audibletrial.com/THP  Have a story you want told? Or a missed
connection of your own? Email us or leave a comment and we will feature you on
the show!Like the
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