Interdimensional RSS: The Unofficial Rick and Morty Podcast
RaM Ep 53 – S01E10 Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind
So many Ricks and so many Mortys this week as we cover Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind!
SHOW NOTES – Close Rick-Counters
Semi Pertinent News
* Zelda 3DS Flipping
* Live Action Dream Cast?
* Dan Harmon tweet minute
* That’s all for now, Twitter is a Puke River, bye! 15 may
MAIN THANG – Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind
* S1E9 – “Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind”
* Originally aired: April 7, 2014
* Written by Ryan Ridley
* Directed by Stephen Sandoval
* Synopsis
* A year has passed since Rick reunited with Beth and the family, and in the midst of a breakfast celebration, a group of armed and uniformed Ricks emerge from an interdimensional portal. Accusing him of “crimes against alternate Ricks”, he and Morty are then handcuffed and taken through the portal to the Council of Ricks. Near the end of the episode, it was revealed that Evil Rick was being remotely controlled by the Evil Morty, who was the mastermind responsible for killing the alternate Ricks and kidnapping alternate Mortys.
Discussion Points:
* Reddit Discussion
* Which fan theory (doesn’t have to be just what’s linked here) seems the most plausible/bullshit and why?
* In what ways can you see Evil Morty coming back into the story? Do you think he had a hand in the events of Season 2 or will show up again in Season 3? If so how?
* Who/What is the One True Morty? Is he a delusion created by a crowd of traumatized 14 year old kids, or is there some truth to the prophecy?
* Is Rick really using Morty for camouflage? Or is that a convenient explanation Rick uses to avoid seeming emotionally vulnerable for enjoying Morty’s company?
* Given the insane fan response to this episode, do you think the show can practically live up to the hype? Why or why not?
* My fundamental issues with the Citadel of Ricks
* Doofus Rick’s take on Jerry’s coins – “They have value to you and that’s what matters”
* Baby Morty?
* “This is no time for arcs…. In an episode with a 3 season arc…”
* Theory Stuff
* The Rickest Rick – Master Theory
* Rick and Morty: The Ultimate Antagonist
* Rick is Morty
* The Rick we’ve been following didn’t start with the Morty we’ve been following.
* The Mortiest Morty is the Morty from the Opening Scene
* As the “Rickest Rick”, Rick has unmatched intelligence, cunning, and creativity. But as the “Mortiest Morty”, Morty actually has his own gift…
* The Jerriest Jerry