Rewired Radio

Rewired Radio

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Rebuilding After Tragedy & Trauma 
May 12, 2016

​Tragedies and trauma can shake you to your core.​Tragedies and trauma can shake you to your core. Often, you're left wondering how you can pick up the pieces and move on from what has happened. Dr. Louise Stanger has turned a life of loss and challenge i

Interventions: Tips & Tools for Families
May 12, 2016

An intervention is one of the most powerful tools available for people who want to help a loved one get on the road to recovery.An intervention is one of the most powerful tools available for people who want to help a loved one get on the road to recovery

Navigating Relationships: A Multidimensional Perspective
April 29, 2016

When you understand yourself and how you operate, you can use this as a building block to build fulfilling relationships.When you understand yourself and how you operate, you can use this as a building block to build fulfilling relationships. Knowing your

Beyond Human Design: A Key to Self-Understanding
April 29, 2016

Truly knowing yourself can change your entire life.Understanding the concept of your own “self” is complex and can take years, but truly knowing yourself can change your entire life. Dr. Eleanor Haspel­-Porter has helped her clients get in touch with thei

Holistic Medicine in Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
April 29, 2016

The effects of chronic pain and fatigue can be devastating.Chronic pain and fatigue plague countless individuals. The effects can be devastating. Often, when you seek treatment from a doctor for pain or fatigue, the treatment focuses on the one symptom, r

Home Allergy Care
April 29, 2016

For many, happy symbols of springtime mark the arrival of chronic seasonal allergies that can be incapacitating.Springtime means rebirth and renewal. The sun is out, flowers are in bloom.­ But, for many, these happy symbols mark the arrival of chronic sea

The Keys to Confidence
April 29, 2016

When you are around a confident person, you may feel drawn to them... as if you can trust what they are saying, and you want to get to know more.Confidence is one of the most professionally and personally attractive traits. When you are around a confident

Celebrating Your Wins in Life
April 22, 2016

Most people tend to be really hard on themselves, and this can be damaging to your self.Most people tend to be really hard on themselves.  When you fall short, don’t reach a goal, or make the smallest mistake, you might instantly begin a cycle of beating

How Do You Change Your Language?
April 22, 2016

Melanie Haber works every day to remove the stigma of addiction and to make it easier for people to ask for help.Addiction affects 23.5 million Americans every year, yet only 11 percent receive the treatment they so desperately need.  Why is this?  While

Connection Fuels Your Creativity
April 22, 2016

Creativity is something people tend to think of as a solitary pursuit.Creativity is something people tend to think of as a solitary pursuit.  Creative artists, writers, and performers are celebrated.  But, the truth is that creativity is far from a singul