Rewired Radio

Rewired Radio

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Reaching New Heights in Recovery
August 15, 2016

Recovery is a journey, with many twists, turns, and mountains to climb.Recovery is a journey, with many twists, turns, and mountains to climb. Many people on a recovery journey discover new things about who they are and what they’re capable of achieving.

Alternative Ways to Heal Families
August 04, 2016

The millions of families affected by addiction need support and resources as they work to support their loved ones.The millions of families affected by addiction need support and resources as they work to support their loved ones. Because every family is

How Sobriety Changes Your Identity
August 01, 2016

When an addicted person begins to travel down the path of recovery, everything changes, including your relationships to people and places.When an addicted person begins to travel down the path of recovery, everything changes, including your relationships

Story of Safer Lock
July 28, 2016

When Steve Simpson’s mother was in a serious car accident in 2002, he had no idea it would be the spark that ignited his heroin addiction.When Steve Simpson’s mother was in a serious car accident in 2002, he had no idea it would be the spark that ignited

Power of Parenting in Recovery
July 25, 2016

Millions of mothers and fathers watch their sons and daughters struggle with drug and alcohol dependency.Addiction impacts one in three households in America, which means millions of mothers and fathers have watched their sons and daughters struggle with

​Building a Business in Mental Health
July 14, 2016

Learn how mental health counselors can structure and grow their careers.Most mental health counselors are so busy providing much­-needed services to their clients that they often don’t take time to think about how they can expand their practices, reach mo

​Maximizing Your Potential
July 11, 2016

Every single one of us has potential... the inner strength, skills, and resolve you need to become the best possible version of yourself.How can you harness your potential in the midst of living your day-­to-­day life? Jeremy Larsen is the co-­founder and

​How Authenticity & Forgiveness Can Improve Your Life
July 07, 2016

Authenticity and forgiveness can improve your life in so many ways.Authenticity: what is it, who has it, and how do you get it? Most people associate authenticity with being true to oneself or “walking the walk.” Authenticity is one of the core principles

Alternative Ways to Process & Heal Trauma
July 04, 2016

Whether a trauma happened years ago or yesterday, there is hope for you to heal and move forward.A lot of discussion revolves around trauma on Rewired Radio; what it is, how it affects our lives, and how we can process and heal from it in healthy ways. Dr

Addiction & Foster Care: Helping Families Heal
June 30, 2016

Learn how the foster care system is making strides in the world of addiction.Last year, almost a half a million children in the United States went through the foster care system, and most didn’t return to their families. In many cases, it’s not just foste