Revise - A Level English Lit Revision

Revise - A Level English Lit Revision

Latest Episodes

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Psychoanalytic Approach
October 10, 2020

In this episode, Anna looks at a psychoanalytic approach to A Streetcar Named Desire. She will provide an analysis of the ways in which we can see characters' unconscious desires being expressed. Ideal for preparing you for your A Level English Literatur

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Feminist Criticism
October 10, 2020

Anna looks at ways in which A Streetcar Named Desire can be approach through a feminist lens for your A Level English Literature course.   She will provide an analysis of positive and negative feminist interpretations of the play. Ideal for preparin

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Critical Reviews
October 10, 2020

Anna gives a summary of the critical reception of performances of A Streetcar Named Desire. She will provide an analysis of critical responses to the play, both at the time of its release and in the modern day. Ideal for preparing you for your A Level En

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Self Pity
October 10, 2020

Anna looks at the theme of self pity in A Streetcar Named Desire for your A Level English Literature course.   She will provide an analysis of self-pitying acts and ideologies in the play, and demonstrate how multiple characters deal with this theme

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Epigram and Language Analysis
October 07, 2020

Anna looks at the epigram of A Streetcar Named Desire, as well as characters' use of language for your A Level English Literature course.   She will provide an analysis of the epigram and how it applies to the play, and explore how multiple characte

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Genre
October 07, 2020

Anna looks at at how genre can be discussed as regards A Streetcar Named Desire, for your A Level English Literature course.   She will look at the ways in which Streetcar conforms to the genre conventions of a tragedy, a fable and more! Ideal for p

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Linking Devices and Recurring Motifs
October 07, 2020

Anna looks at the use of linking devices and the recurring motifs that come up in A Streetcar Named Desire, for your A Level English Literature course.   She will look at the ways in which motifs are used to symbolise the characters' emotions or to

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Structure and Stage Design
October 07, 2020

Anna looks at the uses of structure and stage design in A Streetcar Named Desire, for your A Level English Literature course.   She will look at the ways in which the settings and scene differentiation influence the plot and the audience's experienc

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Fantasy vs Reality
October 07, 2020

Anna looks at the presentations of fantasy and reality in A Streetcar Named Desire, for your A Level English Literature course.     She will look at the ways in which characters' dreams and fantasies fail to align with the real word, and the con

A Streetcar Named Desire A Level Revision: Inner and Outer Appearances
October 07, 2020

Anna looks at the presentations of Inner and Outer Appearances in A Streetcar Named Desire, for your A Level English Literature course.  She will look at the ways in which the insides and outsides of buildings and people differ, either from reality