Real Estate Talk |

Real Estate Talk |

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Suburb gentrification | 7 ways to bleed the banks dry | Deposits on contracts | Successful renovators | Handover | What does ‘flipping’ mean?
July 23, 2015

  - We talk to Cherie Barber about why some renovators become hugely successful with some skills they employ without even picking up a hammer. She also tells you why the internet is not a great tool to rely on when you are researching a property or ma...

Line of credit, offset account and redraw facility | 10 events that could crash the housing market | “The Best Price For Your Home is the Love Price” | Top ten tips for first time property investors | Renovations
July 16, 2015

  - We are experiencing many warnings of housing bubbles, crazy house prices and other alarms. So what needs to happen in the economy to cause dwelling prices to fall significantly is a question we ask Michael Yardney.

Rent-to-buy scheme | The gap between the rich and the poor in Australia | 1 into 4 lot subdivision | A good first impression – does it make a difference to a valuer? | Plus more
July 09, 2015

  - Solicitor Peter Carter answers the questions about the rent to buy schemes that are catching many would be Aussie investors. - Also we hear that the gap between the rich and the poor keeps widening. In some countries the gap is at its highest lev...

Sell your property on your own | Negotiation tips | Prepare for the worst | Our “World Cities” | Get a foot on the property ladder
July 02, 2015

  - Our success story this week is a story about taking control of the sale of your own property. Shayle Woods shares her experience and has some tips on what to do and what not not to do if you decide to go it alone. -

Tax Depreciation | Buying a property below market value | First home buyer’s mistakes | Congestion charge in Melbourne | 5 key changes for just $5000
June 25, 2015

  - Hear Cherie Barber talk about her latest project for the Living Room TV Show and why she told the owners not to spend $20,000 doing it up and how they achieved a better result with just $5,000 in expenditure.

Emotions vs Property Market | Borderless Investors | Finding good Tradies | Suburbs that are coming to Life | Properties with a Twist
June 18, 2015

  - Margaret Lomas takes a look at the suburbs around Australia that are ‘coming to life’ in terms of future growth. She says don’t overlook Melbourne just because there is a lot of talk about oversupply. She tells us why. -

Buying off market properties | Buying a property with a tenant in place | 5 things tenants hate | Finding a good builder plus more…
June 11, 2015

  - The success or failure of an investment property can be heavily influenced by the quality of the tenant. This week we look at 2 issues to do with tenants. Firstly Michael Yardney will talk about whether to buy a property with a tenant in place or ...

How would Warren Buffet invest in property? | Best buys in Brisbane | Property development tips | House vs apartment plus more
June 04, 2015

  - If Warren Buffett were to invest in property in Australia what would he do? How would he approach it? Michael Yardney thinks he knows and he tells us today. Success leaves clues and there will be lots in this chat with Michael. -

Refinancing Pitfalls | Important money lessons to teach your children | New vs established property | Reno tips plus more
May 28, 2015

  - We’ve all made financial decisions we would ‘undo’ given half a chance. It might be the under-performing property we wished we’d passed on or that great property we wish we had really chased. Given how important financial skills are to navigating ...

Why low interest rates are NOT so good | Why so negative on negative gearing? | Auction tips | Where most renovators go wrong plus more
May 21, 2015

  - We all wait patiently every month to see what the Reserve Board will do with rates and the media goes into a frenzy with news about what any movement up or down will mean. Well in this week’s show Jane Slack-Smith thinks is about time we realised ...