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Would you live in a house smaller than a master bedroom? | 2016 Hotspots | Australian houses of the future
December 10, 2015

  - In putting the show together for this week, I asked Michael Yardney if he could detail what he thinks are going to be the property “hotspots” in 2016. Those who work with Michael, will know his response to that question.

Residential vs Commercial | Same property – two outcomes | Property correction
December 03, 2015

  - Jan Somers details her reasons for advising investors to look first at investing in residential property and not commercial property and she has a one word reason. - What happens when property markets correct?

Top regional markets | Potential for positive gearing | Buyer looses a bedroom
November 26, 2015

  - Australia is a country with a very sizeable land mass and it’s usually only the big profile cities which get mentioned in property market commentary. Today Simon Pressley identifies some regional markets that are well worth investigating for good ...

Women look differently at property investment
November 19, 2015

  - Have you ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer and the gap between the rich and the poor keeps widening? Michael Yardney addressees that topic in the show and tells us about his new book as well. -

How do you measure oversupply in the market and what does it mean to investors?
November 12, 2015

  New figures illustrate just how hard some real estate markets have been hit by the downturn in the resources sector. Michael Yardney tells us where and by how much. Senior Economist Dr Andrew Wilson explains how we can tell when enough becomes too ...

Signs the market is peaking.
November 05, 2015

Cate Bakos tells us why all rate increases are not bad news. - We hear from Damien Collins in Western Australia why you should not just follow the sheep but instead blaze your own investment trail or at least follow the path less travelled. -

8 key questions most sellers don’t ask agents
October 29, 2015

  - Property investor and mentor, Nhan Nguyen, tells us how to structure offers to suit the market conditions and when to do quick or long settlements. - Michael Yardney tells us the two things 90% of investors fail to do and as a consequence do not ...

Slowing population growth & property market
October 22, 2015

  - Recently the Australian Bureau of Statistics warned our population growth is slowing. So does slowing population growth pose a risk to property? Michael Yardney discusses whether this slowdown pose a risk to our economy and pull the rug out from u...

What will drive our economy now | Easier ways to enter the property market | Where and why the market appears to be slowing | Melbourne market today | Plus more
October 15, 2015

  - Michael Yardney will tell us what’s going to drive our economy now that the mining boom is over. - With property prices continuing to soar across the country, first home buyers and investors are looking for easier ways to enter the property market.

Where is the next Sydney | Developing your team | How to avoid being gazumped | “The deal of a lifetime” Properties | Quit your job & work in property full time | Seller vs. Buyers Market
October 08, 2015

  - Ever thought of quitting your job and working on, or living off, your property full time? Is it even possible? Michael Yardney gives us a reality check. He says its possible but not easy and he explains why. -