

S2 Episode 10 MARRIAGE Hide and Seek Series #2 Connection: How Do I Improve it?

November 23, 2020

This is the second podcast in a series of 4. Topics in the series: Identity, Connection, Trust and Vulnerability. Each build on each other yet they stand alone too! May your relationship be challenged, and love and growth happen as you are encouraged!

Connection vs Disconnection. This happens all the time in our relationships. Sometimes we don’t even notice. We all want connection but how do we get it? Gil and Brenda share the depths of what dis-connection looks like and what a couple does when they are experiencing connection. Being approachable, available and accessible is the foundation of a good connection. Get ready to use your hands as Gil demonstrates this subject in a way you’ll never forget!

Action steps:

1. Make a list: How do you feel when you are disconnected from your spouse?

2. Make a list: How do you feel when you are connected with your spouse?

3. Have this conversation with your spouse: (reminder: put on the glasses of curiosity. Do not go into judgement, blame or shame. You are honestly

asking so you BOTH can improve your relationship!)

How can I be more connected, what do I need to change/adjust?


Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers


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