The Relaxed Male
Latest Episodes
Getting Prepared
One of a man's responsibilities is to make sure his family is taken care of. It is something that we men often will take immense pride in. With that said there is one part of this responsibility that
For The Benefit Of The Kids
This episode is for both dads and moms because it is about our kids. Maybe not as much phone Let them struggle Failure is good for them Maybe get them out of the school system let loose of the reigns
VIewing Your Circumstance
Now through life, we all face circumstances in our life. are not only the events we face, they are the fact of the events that we face. You see, when a circumstance happens around us, we have thought
Dreamers of the Day
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake to find that it was vanity; But the dreamers of day are dangerous men. That they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make it p
Why All The Superhero Movies?
Pop culture has a way of telling people what they are missing. What the vibe of society is from decade to decade. And that is evident in today’s popularity of superhero movies. Television shows on pop
The Sinkable Female-Led Relationships
Now there are many different types of relationships around. Many work and more don't. Wanted to examine one relationship "Style" that is being talked about and the Nice guy thinks he will like it, yet
The River of Misery
What is the River Of Misery? This is a gap where on one side you are mentally and on the other side of the river is where you want to be. The River of Misery is the effort you make to get to the other
How to Remove Fear From Your Life
Fear is one of those emotions that cripple us from all sorts of opportunities. Fear keeps us playing small. We don't live up to our possibilities. We don't shine as bright as we could. all because we
The Slap Heard Around the World
Now with this being released each Thursday I am just now getting around to talking about the slap that everyone's talking about. There is a lot to break down in this major event. Will Smith slaps Chri
Your Rucking Life
As you may know, I did a thing back on the 22 of Feb and It helped me out in ways I didn't know. First I have sympathy for those with bad knees. Wow, my knees were not happy after walking 22 km with 2