Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne
Episode 106: How to Get Out of Roommate Living
Do you feel like you and your spouse are living like roommates? Whenever you hear about a roommate, it's usually a story of something that's not working well. You may currently be experiencing a rough patch in your marriage that’s making you feel this way but here’s the thing, you are roommates. You live in a home together, you share responsibilities, you do your thing, in some ways and your spouse does their thing in certain ways. So in actuality you are roommates, it is a part of being married.
I want to offer you the insight that roommate living is more of a mindset rather than an actual circumstance. A couple can spend very little time together and not feel like roommates. And a couple could spend a lot of time together and still feel like roommates because this roommate mentality is a mindset. The good news is that this is just a season in your marriage and it can change. Listen in as I share a few things that you can do and how to navigate this season in your marriage.
if you and your spouse are both interested in addressing how disconnection is a problem in your marriage. I am here to support you. Together, we will talk about what's been happening, what you want for your marriage and how to permanently move you out of the roommate living situation. Book your call now at