re:ID Podcast

re:ID Podcast

Latest Episodes

Mobile ID use cases beyond mobile driver’s licenses
December 13, 2017

Mobile IDs are powerful credentials, and there are numerous use cases beyond proving driving privileges. The prospects are endless, from sporting permits to travel documents and gun licenses to health IDs.

State of the states for mobile driver’s license pilots
November 29, 2017

In the third episode of a four-part podcast series, SecureIDNews explores the current landscape of state pilots around mobile driver’s licenses. The mobile IDs are rolling out in a series of innovative trials and many additional state legislatures are i

Mobile ID privacy concerns and privacy-enhancing opportunities
November 14, 2017

In the second episode of a four-part podcast series, SecureIDNews investigates both the privacy concerns and the opportunities for privacy enhancement that arise when traditional ID cards and credentials migrate to mobile devices. Mobile ID is poised to p

Women In Biometrics 2017 winner: Frances Zelazny, BioCatch
November 13, 2017

The name Stephanie Schuckers is almost synonymous with liveness detection in biometrics. But it doesn’t end there. Dr. Schuckers is also a professor at Clarkson University, director of the Center for ID Technology Research, founder of a biometric startu

Women In Biometrics 2017 winner: Frances Zelazny, BioCatch
November 10, 2017

Biometrics was neither a household term nor a ‘handset technology’ when Frances Zelazny began working with facial recognition two decades ago. During her career she has helped shape the use of biometrics for security, identity and now for payment appl

Women In Biometrics 2017 winner: Liane Moriyama, Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center
November 08, 2017

Liane Moriyama retired last summer as Administrator of the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center and she is honored for her innovative career as a 2017 winner of the Women in Biometrics awards. She was instrumental in bringing the first AFIS to Hawaii and h

Women in Biometrics 2017 winner: Kimberly Del Greco, FBI
November 03, 2017

Creator of the FBI's Biometric Center for Excellence and Deputy Assistant Director of the Information Services Branch of CJIS, Kimberly Del Greco is a go to biometrics lead for the Federal government. She was instrumental in the Next Generation Identifica

Mobile ID 101: Establishing rules of the road for mobile driver’s licenses and IDs
November 02, 2017

In this first episode of a four-part podcast series, SecureIDNews explores the use of IDs and credentials on mobile devices. Agencies and issuers are rapidly working to augment their physical ID cards and documents with mobile versions, expanding both sec

Women in Biometrics 2017: Isabelle Moeller, Biometrics Institute
October 31, 2017

“I came into this field not as an expert in biometrics. My background is in marketing and events,” says Isabelle Moeller, chief executive of the Biometrics Institute and a 2017 Women In Biometrics winner. Moeller joined the fledgling Biometrics Instit

Episode 165: Call for nominations opens for annual Women In Biometrics awards
September 11, 2017

In this podcast, SIA’s CEO Don Erickson and SecureIDNews Publisher Chris Corum talk about the 2017 Women in Biometrics awards, highlighting the program’s growth over the years and what it has come to mean to the international biometrics and security c