Reg in AtL

Reg in AtL

Latest Episodes

What is Critical Race Theory?
July 05, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Doug discuss the latest culture war topic, critical race theory, and why it's become such a polarizing issue

Is tech taking over our lives?
July 01, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Dannielle discuss the increasing role tech plays in our lives and if our dependence on it is a problem

Cancel culture vs Consequence culture
June 28, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Nick discuss cancel culture versus consequences for statements or actions and the gray area between the two

Covid changes: Jobs and Careers
June 24, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Jason discuss careers, jobs, and what changes might be permanent after Covid

In other news: Naked woman trashes restaurant, Superman in Brazil hit by bus, Man watches his wife get married on social media
June 21, 2021

-Naked woman trashes Outback restaurant-Man in Brazil dressed in Superman costume attempts to stop bus and gets hit by it-Man in China discovers video of his wife marrying someone else on social media

Are "Robinhood" traders ruining stock market?
June 17, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Doug discuss the changes in trading and is Robinhood, and other no fee trading apps,  to blame for new traders losing money

Music industry changes
June 14, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Jlegacy discuss the ways the music industry has changed from the business side and the ways we listen

Are Baby Boomers ruining America?
June 10, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Lora discuss Baby Boomers being blamed for everything horrible going on in the country

Bait and Switch
June 07, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Caterina discuss if people are obligated to stay with their partners when they go through major physical,  emotional, or financial changes 

Newbie Investing
June 03, 2021

In this episode Reggie and Dannielle discuss their early investing experience