ReEngager Podcast: Ecommerce Email Marketing For Online Retailers

ReEngager Podcast: Ecommerce Email Marketing For Online Retailers

Latest Episodes

[INTERVIEW] Neil Patel On The 5 Surprising Marketing Mistakes Online Retailers Make
February 19, 2016

Are you doing everything you can to convert visitors into customers? Unless you’re a fan of Neil Patel, the answer is probably not. Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM,

Here’s A Welcome Email Series That Increases Customer Lifetime Value
September 28, 2015

Do you have a welcome email series? If not, you need one. Without a welcome series, your new prospects will go cold fast. On the other hand, with a well-crafted welcome series, you will engage them immediately and maximize their lifetime value.

7 Lessons Learned From Sending 10 Million Emails A Month (Matt Paulson)
September 28, 2015

Matthew Paulson is one my favorite people to talk to when it comes to email marketing. He sends over 10 MILLION emails a month to his database of 275,000 stock investors on his list, so he knows a thing or two about using email correctly.

Pop-Ups For Ecommerce: Do They Really Work?
September 28, 2015

Pop-ups. Whether you love ’em or hate ’em, you’ve gotta admit, they’ve taken over the internet. It’s impossible to spend a few minutes online without running into a pesky pop-up offer. Sometimes they offer a discount.

How To Plug The $4 TRILLION Dollar Hole In Your Store
September 27, 2015

According to Baymard Institute, a web research company in the UK, 67% of online shopping carts are abandoned. In other words, 67 out of every 100 potential customers are leaving your website without purchasing. They’re browsing your website,

How To Build A $45 Million Dollar Company In 8 Months (Leesa Sleep)
September 27, 2015

If you’ve ever been curious about what it takes to grow a company from zero to multiple millions in less than a year, this is an interview you’ll love. Meet David Wolfe, the CEO and co-founder of Leesa Sleep.

Email Marketing: Why It’s A Must-Have For Online Retailers
September 27, 2015

Do you want to increase sales and grow your store’s revenue? Today, discover one of the most effective channels for acquiring customers. In this episode, and all the episodes to come, you’ll discover how to increase sales by 15-30% with email and lifec...
