Redefine – A Social Enterprise Podcast
Disappointment – The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook – MVP’s — TRP002
Disappointment seems to be in the air in the 2nd episode of The Redefine Podcast, let's hope that doesn't extend to our listeners!
Redefinition of the Week:
A certain British Media Outlet is redefined as "Disappointment".
Social Enterprise Hero of the Week:
Joshua's Hero of the Week:
Ian C. MacMillan & James D. Thompson, Co-authors of The Social Entrepreneur's Playbook. Joshua discusses the half read book and some comparisons to Lean methodologies.
Richard's Hero of the Week:
"Social Entrepreneurship" as a whole for the comparatively positive proportion of women in leadership positions in social enterprises and social businesses vs. solely for profit SME's and FTSE companies.
Main Discussions:
* Why twitter is a thing
* Media Bias
* Minimal Viable Products and how they relate to social outcomes & even podcasts.