Recovered Podcast

Recovered Podcast

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Enjoying the Holidays Sober - Recovered 1282
November 03, 2022

The holidays are often characterized as a season of togetherness with family and loved ones, but for many, navigating through this time of year while sober is uncharted territory. There is so much sup

The Serenity Prayer - Recovered 1281
October 25, 2022

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. This prayer asks positive power to help you peacefully accept tho

Gratitude List - Recovered 1280
October 18, 2022

When people are grateful for what they have, they will experience a great deal of happiness. When the individual constantly complains, it will be impossible for them to find peace of mind. Gratitude i

Hobbies in Recovery - Recovered 1279
September 27, 2022

Hobbies are important for everyone: they can act as a fun and healthy outlet, or even something that brings more meaning to your life. But theyre crucial when youre in recovery. Early in sobriety, y

Self Compassion - Recovered 1277
September 23, 2022

When youve been through the trials and tribulations of active addiction, you may have a hard time moving on. Those caught up in substance abuse often make poor choices and hurt others in the process.

Big Book Weekend More About Alcoholism - Recovered 1278
September 16, 2022

John K. & Michael K. of the Primary Purpose group of Dallas, TX going through the Big Book at the Big Book Weekend in Pratt, KS - December 2nd 2006 Premium Membership Information Sustaining Partner I

Big Book Weekend There is a Solution - Recovered 1276
September 09, 2022

John K. & Michael K. of the Primary Purpose group of Dallas, TX going through the Big Book at the Big Book Weekend in Pratt, KS - December 2nd 2006 Premium Membership Information Sustaining Partner I

Recovery Partners - Recovered 1275
September 07, 2022

Unfortunately, relapse is prevalent for those of us who try to remain sober. According to many reports, 40 to 60 percent of people relapse within a year of starting their sobriety. With the right res

Big Book Weekend Bill's Story - Recovered 1274
September 02, 2022

John K. & Michael K. of the Primary Purpose group of Dallas, TX going through the Big Book at the Big Book Weekend in Pratt, KS - December 2nd 2006 Premium Membership Information Sustaining Partner I

Mindfulness Meditation - Recovered 1273
August 31, 2022

Addiction is an all-encompassing disease that can impact various aspects of a persons life. Someone recovering from years of drug or alcohol use needs to heal in all of these facets. While everyone i