Gold Vs. Papel Monies w/ David D. Miles

May 28, 2017

CALL IN @ 602-753-1917 this Evening, Sunday, May 28th @ 8pm-9pm Eastern time & 7pm-8pm Central time.

On Real RADIO Talk w/NIGIST; Invites David D. Miles Sr. From Chicago, Detriot and currently lives in Dallas, Texas. 

Topic: Karatbars International Company 

Karatbars International was founded in 2011. The company specializes in the sale of small gold bars and gift items in gold bullion.The headquarters and the logistics center of Karatbars International is located in Stuttgart, Germany. It is responsible for the support, marketing, customer and partner communication, execution and delivery of orders. Headquarters also co-ordinates the opening of new countries throughout Europe. Deliveries in smaller quantities are packaged under video surveillance at the headquarters of Karatbars International. 

Stay Tuned to Hear More About;
How to Convert your Monies into Gold?. Why it's Important to Start Investing your Monies into Gold?.What Value do GOLD have over Monies? Open for Any Questions, Comments, and Concerns. Spread the Light, Be the Light House. www.karatbars.com999.9% 24KT GOLDPartner Shipment Companies: FedExGold Production: Nadir Gold (Turkey),