THE TRUTH : EASTER & THE BUNNY w/Maurice Muhammad

April 23, 2017

Call in @ 602-753-1917 Sunday, April 23rd @ 8pm-10pm eastern time-Maurice Muhammad from Philadelpia on the Air-Ways.

So, Jesus was supposed to have been murdered on a Good Friday, in the evening of Good Friday. And he was raised from the dead Sunday morning, which of course, doesn't? Jesus was supposed to have been murdered on a Good Friday, in the evening of Good Friday. And he was raised from the dead Sunday morning, which of course, doesn’t give you three days. From Friday evening to Saturday evening to Sunday morning is not even 48 hours. So, something is off somewhere. And when you really plumb the depth of it you find that this Easter egg and the bunny rabbit theory. I saw someone as I was driving yesterday out in a big bunny rabbit suit with colorful Easter eggs. You know bunnies don’t lay eggs but it’s telling you of a time because the rabbit is one of the fastest producing animals. Is that right? So, it represents fertility. The egg represents new life. See, so it all is going back to old pagan ritual, you see. But yet in it there is meaning if you know how to extract it and put it together properly so you don’t get caught up in the old pagan worship.

The time when we find spring coming and a change in the relationship of the earth to the sun, where the life in the earth that was once dormant begins to burst forth and you have spring. Then they had the rites of spring so their woman would put on gaily colored dresses with flowers in their hair saying ‘that as the earth has sprung alive we too are alive sexually and we are ready—if you will—for the purpose of mating.’ And then during that time wild orgies and whatnot would take place among the Babylonians and among the pagan Romans.