Suns Of My Fathers' Blood/Organized Crime: Santorio Hectors Story

March 28, 2017

Call In # 602-753-1917-- March 28th @ 7pm-9p-- Santorio Hector ex-Blood Member from Cleveland, Ohio . Will join us on Real RADIO Talk.

My name is Santorio Hector, I am the Son of a Spanish Indian from Barbados named Elijah Hector, I was adopted and raised from a baby by my mothers husband an Irish/Italian Native American who was connected to the Jewish Crime Syndicate and the Mafia, I grew up around these people many whom were very well off , I lived a pretty priviledged life, and grew up not needing or wanting for anything until the FEDS froze our family assets because my Dad like most Mafioso didn't pay his taxes. My mothers Nephew was a member of the PROTEGE INSANE VICE LORDS, that later became a BLOOD set through dealings with a PIRUfrom California named LA J. who came to Cleveland on the run from California and took over the local drug trade. I had courted the set from a youth and was jumped in 1988 at the age of 17 I had been a wanna be since like 13/14 years old. I banged so hard my father said that I was not going to live to Be 18 years old, after the FEDS froze our assets I got involved in the drug trade. my Big Homie gave me a Dope house at 18 years old and I went all in. I lived my life for the Set and the life until I went to prison in 2009 at which time I realized that my Spiritual father T. Rodgers was really right when he told me the best revenge I could have was to live RIGHT. 

Spread the Light , be The Light House