The Reality Revolution Podcast

The Reality Revolution Podcast

Dr Frank B Robinson Psyr-frank-b-robinson-psychiana-lesson-19-the-secret-to-magnetic-attractionchiana - Lesson 19 The Secret To Magnetic Attraction

September 21, 2021

Dear friend and student:

This Lesson 19 is probably the one you have been looking for, for it opens up the entire Spiritual Realm and brings it down to where your reasoning mind can grasp it. No such Lesson as this has ever been written before by anyone, nor has this vast vista of Spiritual Truth been given to anyone before that I know of. You may be able to comprehend this Lesson in two weeks, and you may not. However, you think this Lesson out, for it puts into your hands a weapon which you can use, if you properly understand it, to overcome every undesirable condition in your life.

The great God-Realm is waiting for you to plunge into it; so whatever you do, grasp this Lesson and govern your life throughout the future in accordance with the Spiritual facts I have given you here.

Your friend and teacher,

Frank B Robinson

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Music By Mettaverse

inner worlds
into the omniverse
jourmey through the multiverse
field of oneness
light quotient
travel light
dream flow