The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

7?28/13 - Your American Story (Featuring Joe Kuklis & Josh McEhattan

July 28, 2013

Recently, Raja spoke with Ilana Diamond, the Director of Alpha Lab Gear, the robotic-intensive spinoff of AlphaLab, one of the premier tech incubators in the United States. During the conversation, Ilana praised the organization's managing director, Josh McElhattan, the founder of Startbot, a firm dedicated to investment and growth for robotic startups in Western Pennsylvania. This Sunday, Raja talks with Josh about how Startbot came to be, what Western Pennsylvania firms Josh sees as being the leader of the new age of robotic business, and what makes Western Pennsylvania such a hotbed for robotic-based startup innovation. Plus, if you're a small-to-mid-sized business in need of funds, where would you turn to receive those funds? As odd as it may sound, how about turning to the U.S. government? There's many millions to be had out there, and procuring these funds can be quite the cumbersome process. Joe Kuklis of Duane Morris has dedicated much of his professional career toward making this process as easy to navigate as possible for the average business owner, and he talks with Raja about what the typical business owner in need of government funding needs to know in order to receive these funds. Plus, Joe discusses the trends he is seeing when it comes to how business-friendly our government REALLY is.