The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

7/21/13 - Your American Story (Featuring MIke Kauffelt & Chris Allison)

July 21, 2013

Raja discusses his recent experience running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain on today's edition of "Your American Story", and relates the lessons he learned about competition and adaptation to change during his run to the world of business. Plus, he talks with Mike Kauffelt of Bill Few Associates about planning for change in your own life, and whether or not the recent bankruptcy filing in Detroit is a harbinger for similar cases in other cities in the U.S. Plus, former Tollgrade CEO Chris Allison joins Raja to discuss his story, and how he has been able to parlay his business success into knowledge philanthropy, both through his teachings and his writings, including his upcoming book, "You'll Manage", due on in the fall.