The archived 640013 Show

The archived 640013 Show

6/30/13 - Your American Story (Featuring Eric Saueresien & Karin Mayr)

June 30, 2013

Ask most entrepreneurs why they start and grow businesses, and they'll likely tell you that "awards/recognition" is pretty far down the list. But sometimes, it's nice to be honored for what you do, and for almost 30 years, Ernst & Young has done just that with their annual Entrepreneur of the Year award celebration. I have been honored to win the Entrepreneur of the Year award in the past, and on today's show, we talk with two of the winners of the 2013 E & Y Entrepreneur of the Year Awards for the Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia region. We talk with Eric Sauereisen, CEO of Sauereisen Inc., the winner in the "Family Business" category, as well as Karin Mayr of Sabika, the winner in the "Retail and Consumer Products" category.