QuadCity Podcast
Becoming Better | The Problem with Prejudice (James 2:1-13)
Well, Hey, and Welcome to the Becoming Better Podcast. My name is Brendan Krismer, and I am so glad you are here. Well, on today's episode, Ken, Josh, and I sit down, and we discuss what it means to have a kingdom mindset rather than being polluted by the world. And why it is essential to have a diversity of thought and experience in the local church and how we see the fruit of that in our own lives.
As always, if you have not yet listened to last Sunday's message, we encourage you to stop here and go back and listen to that, as it will help make this conversation make more sense to you. If you have any comments or questions for last Sundaysundays's message, we would love for you to submit them at quadcity.church/Podcast to be answered right here on the show.
We hope you enjoy this conversation.