QGMTG – Elder Scrolls Online Podcasts & More!
Latest Episodes
QGMTG 22: Sunset Show: Ravnica Allegiance
Ravnica Allegiance has been an amazing set, and with “War of the Spark” coming in just 2 weeks, we took the time to talk about some of our best and [...]
QGMtG 21: War of the Spark Spoilers
So much news from “War of the Spark” and we cover it. Plus, our gameplay, Urza takes a break in our lore section, and we present the Cult of Rakdos [...]
QGMtG 20: Azorius Arbiters
Rogue presents the Azorius Senate, Mythriil dives into Urza’s Destiny (Part 2), plus: Is WotC really giving us 36 planeswalkers in “War of the Spark” and our gameplay since last [...]
QGMtG 19: Getting Golgari
Mythic Championships 1 has a winner, the Golgari get their spotlight with Rogue and Urza takes the fight further in Lore. Plus our gameplay and a live booster pack! It’s [...]
QGMtG 18: Angels and Commanders
Evarywn and Mythriil discuss their latest creations in both Standard and Commander. News from the Mythic Championships and Standard’s Meta. Urza takes the fight to the Phyrexians. Live booster pack [...]
QGMtG 17: I Got My Convoke
“War of the Spark” news, Wizards bans “Nexus of Fate”, tons of gameplay discussion and a Selesnya Conclave introduction in our Newcomer Corner, plus our LIVE Booster Pack (From Ravnica [...]
QGMtG 16: Ravnica Allegiance Pre-release
Ravnica Allegiance’s pre-release weekend is coming, and we’ve got all the info you need on what to buy and what guilds will be in this new set and what their [...]
QGMtG 15: Boros Legion!
What makes the Boro Legion in Guilds of Ravnica so awesome, plus Urza’s Legacy in lore, and news on Ultimate Masters and Ravnica Allegiance. Sit back and laugh your way [...]
QGMtG 14: Surveil Says…!
Lets learn about “Surveil” in Guilds of Ravnica, Why “Core Set 2019” is P E R F E C T for newcomers, “Goblin Banneret” and “Risk Factor” is our jam, [...]
QGMtG 13: Guilds of Ravnica Draft Begins!
Guilds of Ravnica hits this week and we’ve got the scoop on the products you can buy and some of the notable cards you’ll want to tune up your new [...]