PurSoul Remedies Podcast

PurSoul Remedies Podcast

PurSoul Remedies - Remembrance of Who We Are and Why We are Here

October 05, 2022

Remembrance – Do you have a feeling that you are here for a reason? Are you feeling like it’s time to step into your purpose? Our podcast today is about Remembrance – Remembering who we are and why we are here. Gabriela started us off with a beautiful activation. Our discussion evolved into being able to tune into the frequencies around us and ask, is this mine or does it belong to someone else? Denise closed out the podcast by attuning us to our Home Frequency and connecting us to our pure essence. This is the essence of who we were when we were born. It has always been a part of us, that we have perhaps just forgotten. It is time to remember and reconnect.

For more content like this, go to https://activateevolution.com.

You can also find more information about our essential oil blends here: https://shop.eternalgoldbeauty.com/pages/pursoul

For private sessions with Denise: https://decuuniverse.members-only.online/denise

Host: Denise Kilonsky Title: DECU & OMcodes Practitioner/Teacher and Blending Alchemist for PurSoul Remedies

Co-host: Gabriela von Kanel Fyfe Title: DECU & OMcodes Practitioner; Transactional Analyst Psychotherapy CTA MSc., & Holistic Health Practitioner