Public Speaking with David Murray

Public Speaking with David Murray

Two techniques that make you ‘Feel like an expert that people want to hear’ – 034

January 15, 2019

In this episode I share with you two techniques that will make you feel like an expert that people want to hear.

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I call the first technique ‘Talk about YOU'.
You want to stand up and speak but you are worried you have nothing to talk about.

Never struggle to find an idea to talk about again by simply talking about what you know best, YOU!
People want to hear stories about the experiences of others. Never struggle for an idea again by simply speaking about YOU!

I call the second technique ‘Tell a story’.
Remember how much you loved hearing stories when you were younger?
Recall how you were captivated by the words that painted pictures and took you to new and exciting worlds within your imagination?

By incorporating stories into your presentations or speeches, you create a deeper connection with the listener. Stories offer a way for us to see things from a different perspective and are a powerful way to get your point across.

If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help speak and communicate with confidence, you can download my free top tips booklet here:

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