Everyone deserves a chance to heal

Everyone deserves a chance to heal

The Best PTSD Audiobooks and Documentaries

November 06, 2021

Episode 35: Genius scientists point to quantum physics research that has kept out of the mainstream. I've mentioned most of these resources at one point or another, but wanted to put all of my favorite audiobooks, documentaries and continuing education resources into one place.
CORRECTION: It's Norway: The Perfect Prison (in the podcast I kept saying Finland but I knew that didn't sound right).
Books / Audiobooks
Combat PTSD in America: Toward a Permanent Solution, Daniel Williams (shameless message from one veteran to you)
The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk (new diagnosis for kids with PTSD)
The Brene Brown Collection (queen of emotional authenticity)
Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton (the discoverer of stem cells!)       
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Joe Dispenza (healed his own broken spine with his mind)
Science of Personal Achievement, Napoleon Hill (commissioned by Andrew Carnegie)
The Healing Field
Heal documentary (gratitude turns on your placebo)
The Emotion Code (you can rewire your brain)
Continuing Education
Neuroscience Education Institute (mainstream)
Science of Energy Healing CME Course
Emotional Freedom Tapping Technique
One Light Healing Touch School
Activating Your Placebo