Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast

An Introduction to Psychodermatology: "The Mind-Skin Connection"

July 20, 2019

What is Psychodermatology? At the most basic level, Psychodermatology encompasses the interaction between mind and skin. It is the marriage between the two disciplines of psychiatry and dermatology, uniting both an internal focus on the non-visible disease, as well as an external focus on the visible disease. This tight interconnection between mind and skin is maintained at the embryological level of the ectoderm throughout life. According to this article, although the history of psychodermatology dates back to ancient times, the field has only recently gained popularity in the United States. More specifically, Hippocrates (460-377 BC) reported the relationship between stress and its effects on skin in his writings, citing cases of people who tore their hair out in response to emotional stress. Link to full article/blog: notes Resource Library: here Link to sign up for CME go: here Member Login to do CME activity go: here Instagram:dr.davidpuder Twitter:@DavidPuder Facebook: DrDavidPuder Youtube channel