Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

469 - How to Critique a Colleague's Bad Decisions in 4 Steps
March 25, 2019

Have them thank you for telling them you're right

542 - Don’t Get the Varsity Blues
March 18, 2019

Don’t try to game the college admissions system.

541 - How to Protect Your Digital Files (Part 2)
March 12, 2019

Make sure you don’t lose your work by making regular backups.

540 - How to Protect Your Digital Files (Part 1)
March 04, 2019

Make sure you don’t lose your work!

345 - How to Take Care of Your Smartphone
February 25, 2019

Proper Care and Handling of your Smartphone Will Keep You Much Happier

BONUS: Introducing One Plus One
February 20, 2019

Here's a special bonus episode of a brand-new podcast you'll love.

538 - Consolidate Your To-Do List With a Weekly Review
February 11, 2019

Stay regular with weekly task list reviews (plus lots of fiber)!

539 - How to Find and Fix Relationship Blind Spots
February 08, 2019

Weed out any issues before they become a problem.

537 - What to Do When Employees Aren't Performing
February 04, 2019

How to make delegation work for you.

536 - How to Prepare for a Conference
January 28, 2019

Colleagues and workshops and more, oh my!