Modern Mentor

Modern Mentor

Latest Episodes

559 - How to Admit Your Mistakes and Take Responsibility
August 05, 2019

When you’ve screwed up, the quickest way to move on is to admit what went wrong and apologize.

563 - How to Write Faster with Successive Drafts
August 01, 2019

Deepen multiple drafts to speed through your writing project

503 - Want to Change Someone's Mind? Lead with Emotion
July 29, 2019

When you want to make change—social, political, or spare—lead with emotion.

558 - Visualizing Will Help You Turn Dreams to Results
July 21, 2019

Visualization + motivation = goal!

557 - How to Deal with People Who Are Late to Meetings
July 15, 2019

Latecomers hold everyone up. Let’s solve the problem.

556 - More Texting Tips for Better Communication
July 08, 2019

Get even better at something you do every day

555 - When Prospecting, Have a Strong Process in Place
July 01, 2019

Sometimes outreach is a numbers game. When it is, be systematic and you’ll find it easy to hit those numbers.

471 - How to Be Persuasive Using the Right Language Cues
June 24, 2019

Speaking abstractly while using concrete examples is as persuasive as it gets.

554 - 5 Steps to Deal With Being Overloaded at Work
June 10, 2019

When there's too much to do, scale back. Carefully.

553 - How to manage two projects at once
June 09, 2019

Split attention can work, if you split it far enough.