Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

I Hate It When They Whine – MBFLP 119
February 22, 2016

  Every parent hates it – that particular sound. WHINING. What can you do about whining before you go stark raving about it? We’ll talk about some practical things you can do to help train your whiner … but beware – sometimes we parents may be doing th...

Teen Romance 2 – Reality Check! – MBFLP 118
February 15, 2016

The Beatles claimed that “All you need is love!” but any married couple will tell you love or not, there are bills to pay. The Biblical pattern would say that a man considering marriage has to be considering how he’ll provide for it financially – and i...

MBFLP 117 – Teen Romance: This Could Get Serious
February 08, 2016

  What do you when you find your teenager (or even your pre-teen) has romantic feelings for another young person? How to you address this Biblically? In spite of what some teachers say, the answer is not cut-and-dried,

MBFLP 116 – The Power of Examples
February 01, 2016

The New Testament talks a lot about the power of examples for teaching believers the Christian walk. Paul talked about it, Peter talked about it, James talked about it, and most of all, Jesus talked about it. This episode,

MBFLP 115 – Competition and Athletics
January 25, 2016

If Christianity values self-denial, self-sacrifice, and love for others, how should we think of the competition and even stylized “combat” of modern athletics? Is it appropriate for a Christian to take part in competitive sports?

MBFLP 112 – Safety on Your New Devices
January 04, 2016

We can even see it on our website traffic - Christmastime is New Phone Time! A lot of families, especially with teenagers, received new cell phones, tablets, phablets, and laptops recently. Have you talked with your young people about the traps that co...

MBFLP – Planning a Christ-Centered New Year
December 28, 2015

How do you celebrate New Year's Eve and -Day? Is it a major revel, or a time of sombre reflection? Or is it a joyful middle, with time for thought and time for fun, too? We talk about our annual two-day observance of the changing calendar in this episo...

MBFLP 110 – Difficult People At The Holidays
December 22, 2015

Recently, Harvard University's Office for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion published a "Holiday Placemat for Social Justice" to help freshmen have "productive conversations" with family members over holiday dinners (story reported by The College Fix)...

MBFLP 109 – Christmas Baking
December 14, 2015

We love Christmas for so many reasons, but one thing we look forward to the most is the baking -- and since we're a large family, we do a lot of it. If you've got the recipes, the trick becomes how to manage it all - what to cook when,

MBFLP 108 – Boys, Violence, and War
December 07, 2015

Whether you allow it or not, whether you encourage it or don't, it seems that boys will naturally gravitate toward games and toys relating to fights, force, and war. If you don't provide them, they'll make 'em! What do you think about this?