Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Sharing the Gospel with Your Kids – MBFLP 139
August 21, 2016

  As Christian homeschool parents, what’s your number one concern? No question – it’s about teaching your kids to know and love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ! In this episode, we talk with veteran pastor and teacher Dennis Gunderson,

Homeschooling When You Feel Like A Failure – MBFLP 138
August 15, 2016

Last episode, we wanted to encourage new homeschoolers who may be having second thoughts about this grand experiment they planned. But what about veterans (like us)? How did your last year go? Everything exactly as planned?

Easy Start Guide to Homeschooling – MBFLP 137
August 08, 2016

Labor Day is approaching and the decision to start homeschooling, that decision that was so exciting and sparkly back in May, suddenly looms like a late summer thundercloud. Relax! This episode, we talk about some key things we learned about starting home

The Only Biblical Way to Parent – MBFLP 136
August 03, 2016

New parents are deluged with advice about the best way to care for their infants and young children. New believers with children of any age may have the same experience – only this time, it’s often promoted as the Biblical way to raise them … how to be...

Teaching Your Kids to Cook – MBFLP 135
July 12, 2016

In the hurry and distraction of modern life, one critical skill which is falling aside is cooking – and we don’t mean microwave dinners or shake-the-box mac and cheese! Having the ability to plan and prepare even a few simple meals will open doors for ...

Church or Not Church – Make The Distinction! MBFLP 134
July 04, 2016

  The Bible is clear about how a church should be led and managed. What does that tell us about other institutions in our life, though? Is it appropriate to look for the same level of doctrinal agreement, Christian character, and other qualifications

Watching With Discernment – MBFLP 133
June 24, 2016

Hebrews 5:12-14 tells us that a mature believer is able to discern right and wrong, good from evil, because he has had practice evaluating them both and learning which one to choose. This summer, as we get out our students’ reading lists and look at th...

Recovering From Legalism – MBFLP 132
June 14, 2016

  “For by grace you have been saved through faith … not a result of works. lest any man should boast.” The apostle Paul told us that and we all know it … but somehow, we easily turn to legalism when it comes to living out that salvation we received by ...

On The Other Hand … Purity Rings – MBFLP 131
June 06, 2016

So often a well-intentioned effort can have unexpected – and maybe, undesireable – results. When a marriageble young man sees a likely-looking young woman, but notices a simple ring on her left hand, what does he think?

Interviewing for Job and College – MBFLP 130
May 30, 2016

We all have lists – maybe we write them down, maybe they’re in our heads – of the things we want our kids to know when they’re all grown up. Have you ever considered how many things even in early adulthood that take an interview? Getting a job,