Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Giving Good Gifts to Your Children – MBFLP 149
November 14, 2016

Most of us remember the magical expectations of Christmas as children. It's more thought-provoking when you're the parents selecting those gifts for your children, nephews, nieces, and all. This episode, we talk about gifts that aren't heavily advertis...

Name Calling – MBFLP 148
November 07, 2016

Sticks and stones ... right? We've all heard that, and probably told our kids that one time or another. Yet name-calling is not only a plague of childhood, it's actually a problem throughout life ... and we adults are warned by Christ Himself to be war...

What Time Is Curfew? – MBFLP 147
October 24, 2016

  - Several people have asked us "What time is curfew at your house? When do you require your kids to be home? Is it different for teens and twenties?"  - Our answer usually surprises them -- because we really don't have one!

The Art of Schedule Juggling – MBFLP 146
October 18, 2016

  - Once it was so easy - Dad had his calendar at work, and Mom had hers for the kids and herself. What needed coordination except for holidays and vacations? But when we had kids in high school and heading off to classes and activities all over t...

Understanding Surveys and Stats with NHERI’s Dr Brian Ray – MBFLP 145
October 04, 2016

This is a data-driven society, or at least, it claims to be. “The surveys said” or “Research indicates,” or “Studies show” are assumed to be _proof_, but a famous politician observed that “There are lies, and there are damn lies,

Single Moms of Boys – MBFLP 144
September 26, 2016

  Parenting is hard enough when everything’s perfect. It’s really hard when you have to be a single parent — however you got there — and being a single mother raising a boy is nothing to sneeze at.  Both our mothers were widows with teenagers at home,

Struggling Learners and When to Get Help – MBFLP 143
September 19, 2016

  How desperate we are to avoid labeling our kids! And with good reason … if they’re in a classroom setting, maybe. But as homeschoolers, we have a much better handle on the social side, and there are serious benefits to your struggling child when you ...

Homeschool Dads – MBFLP 142
September 12, 2016

    “How can I get my husband more involved in our homeschool?”  It’s a common question but there are a lot of things below the surface – and we’d say that no matter what he’s doing, if he’s married to a homeschooling mom,

Co-ops: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
September 05, 2016

If you homeschool, you’ve probably wondered if you ought to join a co-op. On today’s program, we talk about how co-ops can help you meet your kids’ academic and social needs. One of the biggest advantages of homeschooling, though,

Your Childs’ Profession of Faith – MBFLP 140
August 29, 2016

Christian parents all hope and pray for their children to trust Christ, but how do you know when they’ve really been saved? Can’t we take a little child at his word if he’s prayed “the prayer”? Is there any reason to hesitate because of the age,