Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Healthy Guy-Girl Relationships – MBFLP 159
February 01, 2017

  - We've heard the full range of opinions when it comes to young people and relationships - from the barber who asks the 7-year-old if he has a girlfriend yet, to the twenty-something girl who says, "Daddy is going to find me a husband.

Homeschooling Very Young Kids – MBFLP 158
January 24, 2017

We decided to homeschool our kids before we had any! And we meet lots of families with very young children who are eager to get started. Who can blame them? This episode, we talk about our approach to teaching very young children - from the experience ...

Surviving Teaching Math – MBFLP 157
January 16, 2017

  - Math is fundamental to so many things, but it causes a lot of worry and distress among homeschool parents who have to teach it. The truth is, most of us won't need calculus, but most of us use algebra frequently and never even realize it!

Getting Started Again After The Holidays – MBFLP 156
January 09, 2017

It's normal and natural to feel some hesitation or dread when we leave our times of celebration and fun, and turn to the routine duties again - homeschooling among them. Should you just jump right in, or ease the transition?

Teaching Your Kids To Be Content – MBFLP 155
January 03, 2017

The call for believers to be contented people is so difficult, even the apostle Paul struggled with it, and the Puritans called it "a rare jewel"! Yet even while we grown-ups are stumbling over grey weather, taxes, bills,

A Christ-Centered New Year – MBFLP 154
December 26, 2016

Marking the change of calendar with prayer, reflection, and celebration is a Biblical tradition as well as a cultural one. As Christian families, shouldn't we all be looking for a closer walk with Christ and greater service in God's kingdom,

Balancing “Perfect” and Family – MBFLP 153
December 19, 2016

  Don't blame Pinterest - there has always been a temptation to seek the perfect house, the perfect project, the perfect celebration ... and frustration that our very imperfect spouse and children gum up the works.

Hosting the Holidays – MBFLP 152
December 05, 2016

What do you do for your family's Christmas celebration? In particular, how do you handle it if your extended family has traditions you no longer follow? Or maybe you've added some traditions as well as dropping a few?

Caroling Your Neighbors! – MBFLP 151
November 29, 2016

In a culture that's increasingly secular - and hostile - there is one time and place where you can not only share the Gospel with strangers, you can sing it at top of your lungs - and they smile and applaud!

Unpleasant People at Thanksgiving – Post Election Edition – MBFLP 150
November 21, 2016

This has been a pretty divisive election season - the Gallup pollsters found in the days just before the vote, that nearly a third of us were voting against the other candidate, not in favor of the one we were marking!