Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Important Stuff We Forget To Teach – MBFLP 175

July 24, 2017

We all start homeschooling knowing that we'll have to teach reading, spelling, math ... all the traditional classroom subjects. But we quickly realized there were some things that "just happened" in school, and now that we're the school, we need to make plans for them. Unfortunately, we meet a lot of homeschool families who are missing out on some important topics that don't normally show on a transcript - but are critical for their kids' future! You don't want to miss this episode ...

Some Resources We Mentioned: 

Internet safety with Covenant Eyes filtering/monitoring/accountability software
(this affiliate link helps support our ministry!)

Love, Honor, and Virtue: Gaining or Re-Gaining a Biblical Attitude Toward Sexuality

Boot Camp 9-12 (live sessions starting August 10!)