Latest Episodes
PonderMed #21: Two pilots, one doctor... at the Grand Round
Captain Alexander Jolly and Captain Dave Fielding are commercial airline pilots.I met them through , a pandemic-induced collaboration between the UK aviation industry and the NHS. For the last few
PonderMed #20: Two pilots, one doctor
Captain Dave Fielding and Captain Alexander Jolly are commercial airline pilots. I met them through , a pandemic-induced collaboration between the UK aviation industry and the NHS. We met up over a coffee in the Whittington Hospital "First Class...
PonderMed #19 Prof Graham Cooke: Antibody tests and "alert levels"
is a Professor of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London and member of the WHO Essential Medicines Committee. His research has focused on HIV, TB and viral hepatitis. He is currently working on multiple large scale COVID-19 research projects....
PonderMed #18 Prof Graham Cooke: Fast research and COVID-19
is a Professor of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London. His research has focused on HIV, TB and viral hepatitis. He was chief investigator on the trial and currently has clinical studies running in the UK and Vietnam. He has also been...
PonderMed #17 Lt. Col. Dave Grossman: A Warrior's Toolbox
This is the first of two pods I've recorded with - a former US Army Ranger, paratrooper, and Psychology Professor. He is the author of ; a book that describes coping strategies for the physiological
PonderMed #16 Simon Fleming: Was NHS Nightingale a white elephant?
This is the second of a two-parter (part 1 ) Ive recorded with Simon Fleming () where we take a deep dive into his work at the recently hibernated London Nightingale Hospital. In this one we chat a
PonderMed #15 Simon Fleming: The Nightingale "culture"
This is the first of two pods I've recorded with Simon Fleming (). We take a deep dive into his work at the recently "hibernated" London Nightingale Hospital. In this first instalment we discuss his role as a faculty member/strategist at the...
PonderMed #14 Prof Maddy Noursadeghi: The research game in the COVID era
is a clinician scientist at UCL and consultant in Infectious Diseases at UCLH. He has a huge research portfolio, including extensive work in HIV and TB immunology. He has recently put the majority of his usual work on hold in order to throw himself...
PonderMed #13 Dr Sam Hare: A chest radiologist's take on COVID 19
What is "Classic COVID"? CXR vs CT chest? Should we be getting more CTPAs? I chat to () about what COVID 19 looks like on imaging, along with some other interesting stuff including the crucial role of the radiographer in this pandemic. Some cool...
PonderMed #12: COVID musings with Prof Hugh Montgomery
I chat to about what has surprised him most about COVID 19. We also discuss the implications of this crisis for evidence-based medicine and the climate emergency, and touch on the PPE situation. Sending love and positivity to everybody at this...