Audio Poem of the Day

Audio Poem of the Day

Latest Episodes

April 20, 2023

by Peter Pereira

"No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief."
April 19, 2023

By Gerard Manley Hopkins (read by Mary Jo Bang)

The Editor's Ex
April 18, 2023

By Caitlin Doyle

Bay Leaves
April 18, 2023

By Nikki Giovanni

Claiming Language, Claiming Art V
April 17, 2023

By Haki R Madhubuti

April 16, 2023

By Pura Lpez-Colom

Permanent Press
April 15, 2023

By Alice Friman

The History of Mothers of Sons
April 14, 2023

By Lisa Furmanski

Apology, with Interruptions
April 13, 2023

By RitaDove

The Fifteen-Year-Old Considers His Closet
April 12, 2023

ByTarik Dobbs