Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

Back To Worship

August 21, 2021

In this continuation of our "Back to the Basics" series, we looked at how to get back to sincere and passionate worship. We were reminded that worship is not limited to the songs we sing at church, but that God desires true worshippers who worship Him with their lives. This is the call to worship God with everything; every facet of our lives must be a holy and acceptable offering to God. There is also a need to worship God with excellence, offering our best to God and not half-hearted gestures. Finally, we learned how we can worship God with everyone; our relationships are meant to be an avenue in which we can also bring glory to God. We are called to be living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God, so let us then with all that we are and all that we have pursue lives that are worthy of our Holy God.