Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

Back To The Bible

August 07, 2021

As we began our series entitled “Back to the basics” we began with the topic of Scripture and some practical ways to approach our time in God’s Word. We established the authoritative nature of Scripture being “God breathed” setting the foundation as to why we turn to the Bible. We discussed how we are to come with expectation whenever we approach the Word of God, believing that it is the living word, able to speak to us when we come with eager ears to hear. We were also shown why context is key when it comes to interpreting Scripture, and the necessity of consulting with the full counsel of Scripture as opposed to reading passages in isolation. We were also reminded of the importance of committing Scripture to memory in order to truly meditate on God’s Word. Finally, we were reminded to keep Christ at the center of our devotional times and not placing ourselves at the center of the text. With these practical steps to reading the Bible, the hope is to rekindle passion for Scripture and bring us back to the Bible.