Pluslife Resources

Pluslife Resources

The Name

January 06, 2018

Our identity begins when we accept His identity. For the first sermon of the “I am  7” series, we looked at John 8 where Christ declares to the Jews that, “before Abraham, I AM”. Jesus attributes the name of God in the Old Testament to Himself, declaring to the world that they are one and the same. It is because of this reason that we also looked at Exodus 3 where God gives His name to Moses. We learned that His name is to be revered; it is recognized as the name of the Most High God. His name is also to be remembered; during times of trials and uncertainty, His name reminds us of His power. Finally, His name is to be received; it is accepted as the identity of Christ, the One true God.  We can depend on the name of the Lord because as the Psalmist says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” (Psalm 20:7-8).  There is no greater name than the name of Jesus.